Friday, November 18, 2011

LAMP's Therapy Dog Stress Relief Night!!

Final assignments killing your buzz? Need a break from exam prep? Missing your dog? Come out to LAMP’s THERAPY DOG STRESS RELIEF NIGHT! You deserve a break from all of your hard work, so drop in for a couple hours of puppy play. The St. John Ambulance Therapy Dogs and their owners will be coming to Western to help relieve student stress by giving you the opportunity to play around with the loveable pups for a few hours.

When: December 1st from 7-9 pm (You’ll be home in time for Grey’s)

Where: UCC 147 A/B (You could totally come on your way home from class)

Who: YOU, Friends, Therapy Dogs, Volunteers, LAMP Leaders

Bring your friends and see you there!

Friday, October 28, 2011

LAMP Review Session - Business 1220E

Are you a Business 1220E Student?
Prepare for the Finance Exam with LAMP!

When? Wednesday, November 2nd at 4:30 PM
Where? Social Sciences 2036

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Belonging Challenge


This year, our theme is BELONGING and we have a number of initiatives in place to explore what BELONGING means to YOU!

Have you heard about our "Envisioning Belonging" Contest? You may enter as an individual or as part of a group!

Use your imagination and any form of creative expression when you think about BELONGING!
Create some form of Art to express what BELONGING means to YOU!

Why not...
Create a short video (3 minutes or less)
Take an unusual photographic
Write a short poem or a short story

Entries can be submitted in a number of ways:
For a video submission, upload the video to the internet and then send us the URL.
Video URL Addresses and Photographic entries should be submitted electronically to by Friday, November 18 at midnight.
Hard copy or physical entries should be submitted to the First-Year Resource Centre (UCC251) in person by
4pm on Friday, November 18

Come to our meeting on Wednesday, November 23 (5-6:30pm) UCC210 to see and/or hear the winners of the Envisioning Belonging Contest!
First Prize: $200 Second Prize: $125 Third Prize: $75

We look forward to meeting you at the FIRST-YEAR RESOURCE CENTRE - A Place Where You BELONG!

Conversation café