Health Sciences

Faculty of Health Science Professor Meet and Greet
Thursday Sept 29th from 5:30-6:30pm
Natural Sciences, Room 7

Come out and meet your professors in a casual setting! Learn more about your classes, upper year courses and connect with your mentors!

The School of Health Studies has activated a new twitter account, if interested follow at:
Lots of great info about academics, careers, and conferences! 

Student Involvement Guide – Faculty of Health Sciences

Friends of Médecins Sans Frontières, UWO
Friends of MSF, UWO
Category 1:
Philanthropic - Health Organizations
Category 2:
Philanthropic - Humanitarian Organizations
Facebook Group/Page:

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Western is a club/volunteer group that operates at the University of Western Ontario and is largely independent of the day-to-day operations of MSF Canada.

The purpose of Friends of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Western is to:
1) Advocate: Raise awareness about MSF initiatives through speaker presentations, film screenings, and special events related to the work of MSF Canada.
2) Recruit: Provide educational outreach to undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, and staff from all faculties. Provide a forum for individuals interested in humanitarian medical aid (including the logistics of providing such aid) to network and communicate.
3) Fundraise: Collect donations to support MSF field operations and programmes.

Pre-Pharmacy Society
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Category 2:

Purpose for the club’s existence 1. To inform students who wish to pursue a career in the field of pharmacy. 2. An opportunity for a diverse people to get to know each other with common interest and goals. 3. To gain insight on how to compete effectively in the field of Pharmacy. * We feel that there isn’t another organization that educates students on how to apply to Pharmacy schools

UNICEF Western
Category 1:
Philanthropic - Health Organizations
Category 2:
Philanthropic - Humanitarian Organizations
Facebook Group/Page:
UNICEF Western endeavors to raise funds and awareness for UNICEF Canada's important child-focused initiatives. The club organizes a variety of events throughout the year towards this end--these events may be athletic, social, arts-related and/or educational. Each year, the Executive Committee chooses two or three UNICEF campaigns to concentrate their support on. The Executive Committee coordinates the involvement of the club's General Members by organizing General Meetings and providing opportunities for the General Members to get involved. Additionally, UNICEF Western attempts to work with other clubs in an effort to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of a select few clubs on campus.

Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research Western
Category 1:
Philanthropic - Health Organizations
Category 2:

CANFAR is the UWO affiliate of the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research parent organization. CANFAR hosts events throughout the school year to raise money towards the fight against HIV/AIDS. Our club also seeks to educate the community on the perils of risky sexual behavior, specifically with regards to the AIDS virus. We have found that the general population is misinformed on AIDS and we have taken it upon ourselves to dispel myths and give the facts on this deadly disease. CANFAR raises money through charitable events, member commissions and other campaigns.

Heart and Stroke Western
Category 1:
Community Outreach
Category 2:
Philanthropic - Health Organizations
Facebook Group/Page:
Heart and Stroke Club UWO
The Heart and Stroke Club is an organization that brings the values, beliefs and guidance of the Heart and Stroke Foundation into University life. Working alongside the London Branch of Heart and Stroke Foundation, the club is designed to raise awareness of various cardiovascular threats, promote/provide a healthier lifestyle and finally to fundraise actively to help facilitate the research being conducted by the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

Oxfam Western
Category 1:
Environmental & Sustainability
Category 2:
Philanthropic - Humanitarian Organizations
Facebook Group/Page:

Western Oxfam Association is a registered campus organization with Oxfam Canada. As such, we strive to promote Oxfam Canada's goals of eradicating poverty, achieving gender equality and environmental sustainability. On campus, we run events based on Oxfam Canada and Oxfam International campaigns and projects, including "Stand Up Against Poverty", "Fair Trade/Buy Nothing Day" and World Food Day.Through these and additional events, we seeks to engage students on these issues. We welcome all students who want to help make the world a more just and environmentally stable place.

Pre-Dental Society
Category 1:
Category 2:
Facebook Group/Page:
Here for both those who know only dentistry as their future and those who are looking around, the Pre-Dental Society provides its club members with general meetings, carving sessions, mock DATs, dinners with current dental students, interview sessions, seminars with admissions committee members and many opportunities for getting involved.

Pre-Medical Society
UWO Pre-Med Society
Category 1:
Category 2:
Facebook Group/Page:
Pre-Med Society Message Board
The UWO Pre-Medical Society encourages interest in the medical profession through academic and social programming as well as by providing community and medically-related volunteer opportunities in London and overseas. The UWO Pre-Medical Society offers information about everything you need to know about preparing for and applying to medical school. Members have access to exclusive information sessions on topics such as information on various medical schools from Ontario, Canada, North-America and around the World, as well as information on writing the MCAT and interview preparation. A close working relationship with students in the Shulich School of Medicine also allows club members to obtain relevant first-hand knowledge on applying to and attending medical school. The Pre-Medical Society also offers its members substantial discounts on MCAT preparation courses through partnerships with the major MCAT prreparation companies.

Students Fight Parkinson's UWO
Category 1:
Philanthropic - Health Organizations
Category 2:
Facebook Group/Page:
Our club's goal is to raise much needed awareness and funds that can contribute to finding a cure for Parkinson's disease. The funds we raise will primarily be in support of the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research, which for years has contributed to finding new therapies and treatments for those suffering with PD, and are front runners in support of groundbreaking research which they fund along with other organizations.
Autism Western
Category 1:
Community Outreach
Category 2:
Philanthropic - Health Organizations
Facebook Group/Page:
Autism Western
Autism Western aims to create awareness within the university community about Autism Spectrum Disorders, the individuals affected, and the professional opportunities available to students in this area of interest. As well, UWO students and individuals with ASD in the London community will be able to learn from each other through programs hosted by Autism Ontario- London chapter and Autism Western.

Butt Out!
Category 1:
Philanthropic - Health Organizations
Category 2:
Facebook Group/Page:
Butt Out is an anti-tobacco industry advocacy club, whose goal is to raise awareness and spark discussion regarding the marketing of tobacco products, exploitation of third world countries, and various other aspects regarding the production and distribution of tobacco products. We ARE NOT anti-smoker, and encourage individuals who smoke to join our club as everyone’s perspective is valuable. Butt Out provides its members with an excellent opportunity to take leadership in health promotion and advocacy, and participate in various interesting and edgy activities around campus and the London community!

Cancer Awareness Society
Category 1:
Community Outreach
Category 2:
Philanthropic - Health Organizations
Facebook Group/Page:
The purpose of the Cancer Awareness Society is to raise money and/or give donations to cancer related foundations or hospitals, in previous years the club has donated to the Canadian Cancer Society - London Branch and Victoria Hospital. Among the goal to raise money the club also tries to provide information to raise student awareness about all types of cancer, by holding events where students can come for information. In addition, the club presents its members with various volunteer opportunities, which members can involve enroll in within the club and the london community.

LIVERight Students’ Association
Category 1:
Community Outreach
Category 2:
Philanthropic - Health Organizations
Facebook Group/Page:
LIVERight Western
The goal of LIVERight is to raise awareness about liver disease among the student population and raise funds to help support the Canadian Liver Foundation’s research into the causes and cures of liver disease. The LIVERight Student Association consists of executive members and general volunteers who aid in event planning, fundraising and health promotions. We have come up with a good way to raise awareness about liver disease to the general public, while also supporting the Canadian Liver Foundation (CLF).
Pre-Optometry Club
Category 1:
Category 2:
Facebook Group/Page:

Students Rebuilding Health in Rwanda
Category 1:
Philanthropic - Health Organizations
Category 2:
Philanthropic - Humanitarian Organizations
Facebook Group/Page:
1. To provide UWO students who have a passion for health care in Rwanda, an opportunity to pursue and tackle this issue. 2. To educate, and equip UWO students with the knowledge of the health issues faced in Rwanda. 3. To raise funds for the furthering of medical education through the activities of Rebuilding Health in Rwanda.

WaterCan at Western
Category 1:
Philanthropic - Health Organizations
Category 2:
Philanthropic - Humanitarian Organizations
Facebook Group/Page:
WaterCan @ Western
WaterCan @ Western is affiliated with the national organization WaterCan. The main initiative is to create awareness of the importance of clean water and the developing of water purification technologies. We fundraise to provide clean water, offer sanitation education, and to dig wells for people in Africa. The great thing about this organization is that they don’t waste the money they have fundraised on travelling, but instead utilize people already in the country to carry out the work. Basically, WaterCan provides the guidance, advice and funds towards the projects. It is a great organization because they are helping to economically develop many countries and establishing self-sufficiency. We run several events throughout the year to fundraise for this organization.

Faculty of Health Sciences Dream Team
If you had one wish, what would it be? For some, a trip to a remote area, a chance to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, or a concert for the band you have only dreamt of seeing live. But what if you were a child faced with a life-threatening illness, what would you wish for then? The Make-A-Wish Foundation is an organization dedicated to raising money to grant wishes for children with life-threatening illnesses. Students in the Faculty of Health Sciences welcome this opportunity to improve the quality of life for these children and their families. Our ‘Dream Team’ is dedicated to changing their lives, one wish at a time.

The Make-a-Wish Foundation’s Southwestern Ontario Chapter has been in operation for 24 years and has granted over 830 wishes to children throughout the region. The Faculty of Health Sciences Students’ Council and Soph Team has established a branch with this Chapter. Our dedicated group of councilors and volunteers aim to raise money and awareness for the Foundation each year. Coffeehouses, awareness days, clothing sales, and specialty events are held around campus to ensure we reach our fundraising goals. The enthusiasm and passion of the Dream Team will allow us to continue to grant a wish each school year.

We can’t do it without you! Students in all years and faculties are welcome to volunteer and we encourage everyone to come out to our events. Stop by our booth in the UCC during Volunteer Week, join our Facebook group to stay informed, and visit our website for regular updates.

We have the chance to make every wish a reality.
Let’s do it!

Video Website  -

Faculty of Health Sciences Students’ Council