
Faculty of Music Student Council
Nov 8, 2010

Want to get involved in your own faculty's student council? Well, you might want to start by visiting FoMSC's site first! Everything you need to know about social events and Concert Series can be found.

Did you know that the Faculty of Music has Peer Guides?

We offer academic support through scheduled help sessions and during our daily office hours.   Our office is located on the third floor of the music building (room MB301).  The Peer Guide office will be open Monday to Thursday 11:30 to 3:30 and Friday at 11:30 and 1:30.  You can stop by or make an appointment to receive academic help in a variety of subjects inlcuding GIM, 1st and 2nd year theory and history and music education.

In addition to our academic events, we will be holding several special events throughout the year, including off-campus trips to attend performances, coffee houses, jam sessions, and more!